Dr. Franks
About Dr. Franks
Dr. Jon Franks has been an athlete all his life and understands pain, having broken his back in 1985. He has served as team chiropractor and strength coach for UCLA basketball under the legendary Walt Hazzard. He also worked with the pro volleyball tour for several years.
Dr. Franks worked with the US Olympic boxing team in the 84 Olympics, as well as, 6 other countries including Italy.
Dr. Franks was offered the Boston Celtics training job in 1987 but opted to stay in southern California.
Combining specific exercises and stretches with traditional Chiropractic is the brainchild of Dr. Franks that allows his patients to achieve a balanced health target unachievable solely by manipulation alone. He has created a network of Chiropractors, physical therapists, and medical professionals to serve accident victims throughout the state.
Dr. Franks leads the way in personal injury treatment through continuing advanced therapies, exercises, and Chiropractic.
He has been featured in virtually every health and fitness magazine, including The Holy Grail (Muscle and Fitness). He has also appeared on hundreds of television interviews and shows, including, but not limited to, the Late Show and the Merv Griffin Show.
He was the first wheelchair athlete to challenge Iron Man Hawaii, and through his efforts, there is a permanent category for both men and women in that race.

Fully able sportsmen, recreational or otherwise, rarely give wheelchair athletes a thought, except perhaps to feel glad they don't have the same limitations. But while we all admire their courage, there's more to their feats than simple perseverance. Athletes like Franks have had to reclaim the most basic training concepts, and they've had to reclaim them without much information. Think about it: You can pick up this magazine and get dozens of training tips each month. Where does a wheelchair athlete turn? To other wheelchair athletes? Fat chance. "Most keep to themselves," Franks says. "They'll do roadwork together, but they're secretive about their workouts. That's because serious wheelchair athletes have to compete in a restricted world, and there's always the danger of giving a prospective rival an edge, he says.
For a wheelchair athlete, arms are everything. "[A fully able athlete] may be able to go forever on a stationary bike, but try getting a cardiovascular workout with your arms," Franks says. "You bum out in five or 10 minutes if you're not used to it."
Burning out isn't an option for Franks. When he enters a triathlon, for example, he swims, pedals a special hand-propelled tricycle, and then finishes in his wheelchair. By necessity, he's become an expert on upper-body endurance workouts, and the lessons are applicable to anybody, chair-bound or not, who wants useable strength.